Sunday, March 14, 2021


 This pandemic has restricted our movements and so, on some days,  the distance between us and our grandchildren seems unreachable. I miss them so much. 

 Chumku and Golu,  our grandchildren,  are very special. We are extremely fortunate to be the recipients of their love and care. We love and adore them immeasurably.  

A few lines for my dearest grandchildren from Nani, their grandma. 

What the Tree said! 

I have been standing here, Tall and strong, 

Waiting for you , As you walk along!

You look around , And then you look at me! 

You stop to smile, We're friends, you see! 

The last time you came ,I was flush with leaves, 

Where birds and squirrels, Did nestle their feed.

But this year I feel, All alone and bare

They have returned, But you are not there.

I know you want to hear stories,Of the Bethesda Trail

And meet those who live here, On the Maple Ridge rail. 

They do come here , As wistfully as you

With parents and friends, With bikes and books too

Time chortles by,In laughter and play 

Chasing bunnies and puppies, On a sunny day

It's been two years , I've been waiting for you

your eyes will light up,Maybe well up too! 

For I wait here , A comforting sight

To connect to your loved ones,So far away from sight!