Mahishasuramardhini Shloka
Mahishasuramardhini Shloka
Every Navarathri, our family recites the Mahishasuramardhini Shloka. My mother taught us to recite the prayer and we have continued doing so. Today, my grandchildren also recite this prayer. Reciting the prayer fills me with enthusiasm, also determination and strength. This year, we decided to record the shlokas and their meaning and for that I'm deeply indebted to both my daughters for the inspiration and the motivation they provided, especially to my younger daughter for the research and compilation of the same.
The Mahishasuramardhini Shloka was composed by Adi Shankaracharya in C. 810 AD. It is a powerful prayer dedicated to Goddess Durga. It invokes the attributes of Durga Devi as she conquers the buffalo demon Mahishasur. The chanting of this prayer is believed to bless the devotee with courage, confidence, and inner strength.
It tells of the conquest of Mahishasura which is symbolic to winning over the Rajasic tendencies in us. Navratri celebrates the destruction of our inner Demons - inertia/laziness (Mahishasura ), pride and shame (Shumbha- Nishumbha), extreme forms of craving and aversion ( Madhu-Kaitabha), deeply ingrained negativities and obsessions (Rakhtbeej Asura), unreasonableness (Chanda Munda) and blurred vision (Dhoomra Lochan).
1. अयि गिरिनन्दिनन्दितमेदिनि विश्वविनोदिनि नन्दिनुते
गिरिवरविन्ध्यशिरोऽधिनिवासिनि विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते ।भगवति हे शितिकण्ठकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकृते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥
O Divine mother, the daughter of the Mountain, whose presence brought joy to the entire creation, the one praised by Nandi, residing on the peaks of the great Vindhya mountains! O glory of Vishnu, the one revered by Indra, who is none other than Bhagwati, the consort of the blue throated one, Lord Shiva! Divine mother of the universe, source of abundance who does all great things (related to creation preservation and destruction)-Victory to you, Victory to you, the destroyer of Mahishasura, the one with beautiful braided hair- the beloved daughter of the mountain!
2. सुरवरवर्षिणि दुर्धरधर्षिणि दुर्मुखमर्षिणि हर्षरते
त्रिभुवनपोषिणि शङ्करतोषिणि किल्बिषमोषिणि घोषरते
दनुजनिरोषिणि दितिसुतरोषिणि दुर्मदशोषिणि सिन्धुसुते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २ ॥
The one who bestows boons upon the demigods who defeated the Demon Durdhara- the unrestrained; the destroyer of Durmukha- the foul mouthed! O, blissful one, the one who nourishes the three worlds, who delights Lord Shankara, who frees us from evil thoughts, who is pleased by war cries of demons rattled by her acts, who was angry at the sons of Danu - the danav, furious at the offsprings of Diti- the daitya, who slayed the demon, Durmada! O beloved daughter of the ocean, Victory to you, Victory to you, the destroyer of Demon Mahishasura, the one with beautiful braided hair, the beloved daughter of the Mountains.
3.अयि जगदम्ब मदम्ब कदम्ब वनप्रियवासिनि हासरते
शिखरि शिरोमणि तुङ्गहिमालय शृङ्गनिजालय मध्यगते
मधुमधुरे मधुकैटभगञ्जिनि कैटभभञ्जिनि रासरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ३ ॥
O Goddess Jagdamba, mother of the universe, who loves to live in the Kadamba forest of Kadamba trees! The one with the gentle smile who dwells in the midst of the temple existing on the top of the Himalayas, the crest jewel among mountains; who bears the sweetness of honey, who subdued the pride of the Demon Madhu and Kaitabha; victory to you! victory to you! O destroyer of Demon Mahishasura, daughter of the Mountain with beautiful braided hair.....
4.अयि शतखण्ड विखण्डितरुण्ड वितुण्डितशुण्द गजाधिपते
रिपुगजगण्ड विदारणचण्ड पराक्रमशुण्ड मृगाधिपते ।
निजभुजदण्ड निपातितखण्ड विपातितमुण्ड भटाधिपते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ४
O Divine mother, one who cuts the enemy into over a hundred tiny pieces, demolishes the enemy to the depth of doom, brutally destroys Shunda and his army of elephants, punishes all the elephants in the enemy camp! The army of Demon Chanda scatters here and there due to the Devi's might and valour against Asura Sunda! The goddess's vehicle, the lion, strikes Munda's forehead and dispatches his elephant army to death. With her own hands, she delivers punishment - an endless flow of divine weapon, she wields a brilliant, divine sword like lightning and destroys Chanda and Munda and their entire army single-handedly! Victory to you! Victory to you!
5.अयि रणदुर्मद शत्रुवधोदित दुर्धरनिर्जर शक्तिभृते
चतुरविचार धुरीणमहाशिव दूतकृत प्रमथाधिपते ।
दुरितदुरीह दुराशयदुर्मति दानवदुत कृतान्तमते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ५ ॥
Oh divine mother! who defeats those with evil intentions, resolves to conquer her enemies, mercilessly illuminates evil forces, who has a profusion of infinite energy, uses four intelligent strategies to overcome challenges with the enemies! The one who has the great Lord Shiva by her side, who is efficient, ingeniously thoughtful, excelled in all! As her Messenger, who is also the Lord of the Pramada ganas , ( Shiv's friends/attendants) the one who destroyed the wicked thoughts of the evil minded and ignorant messenger of the demon Shumbha. ( Hence bringing an end to the दानव दूत, messenger of demons). Being compassionate gives even the wicked asuras a chance to reform! Victory to you! Victory to you!
6.अयि शरणागत वैरिवधुवर वीरवराभय दायकरे
त्रिभुवनमस्तक शुलविरोधि शिरोऽधिकृतामल शुलकरे ।
दुमिदुमितामर धुन्दुभिनादमहोमुखरीकृत दिङ्मकरे
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ६ ॥
O Divine mother accepting those who surrender at her feet asking for protection, compassionate to the wives of her enemies who surrender to her, wages war as per the rules of engagement, compassionate giver of boons and gifts, impales enemy warriors on the forehead, makes a garland of the heads of the defeated Asuras on her spear! Do hear the booming sound of the Lotus feet of Devi (दुमि दुमि दामर) as she dances the thandav dance with her anklets in the battlefield! The sound from her trumpet as she announces war, her face resplendent and shining beautifully, the sharp shining Red hot Trishul blazing in the sun! Victory to you! Victory to you! Victory to you!
7.अयि निजहुङ्कृति मात्रनिराकृत धूम्रविलोचन धूम्रशते
समरविशोषित शोणितबीज समुद्भवशोणित बीजलते ।
शिवशिवशुम्भ निशुम्भमहाहव तर्पितभूत पिशाचरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ७ ॥
O Divine mother, who chants the powerful Beejmantra 'हुं' and killed the demon, Dhumralochana-commander of Shumbha Nishumbha, and vanquished him in seconds, into hundred smoke particles! Devi fights a special war and killed the original Rakhtbeej and all other Rakhtbeej who emerged from every drop of his blood by swallowing all the blood that dripped from him while fighting! Killed the demons Shumbha Nishumbha, who are great devotees of Shiva and gave them liberation by chanting the name of Lord Shiva while killing them, thereby ensuring they attain moksha and do not become ghosts or ghouls! Victory to you! Victory to you!
8. धनुरनुषङ्ग रणक्षणसङ्ग परिस्फुरदङ्ग नटत्कटके
कनकपिशङ्ग पृषत्कनिषङ्ग रसद्भटशृङ्ग हताबटुके ।
कृतचतुरङ्ग बलक्षितिरङ्ग घटद्बहुरङ्ग रटद्बटुके
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ८ ॥
Whose bracelet dances on her shining arms following the movements of her bow, during each instant of the battle, whose golden arrows become red with blood of the enemies and slay them, whose use of arrows makes the battle look like a divine dance, who destroys her enemy with Grace, who turns the four fold array, Chathurang, of enemies surrounding from all sides into a play of their decreasing strength, one who weakens the enemy demolishes the Asuras in different hues, her supremacy is complete. Victory to you, Victory to you!
9.सुरललना ततथेयि तथेयि कृताभिनयोदर नृत्यरते
कृत कुकुथः कुकुथो गडदादिकताल कुतूहल गानरते ।
धुधुकुट धुक्कुट धिंधिमित ध्वनि धीर मृदङ्ग निनादरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ९ ॥
O Goddess who takes delight in the dancing of heavenly damsels, to a strong rhythm! O Devi who is full of laughter cheer and abandon! O goddess who rejoices in the deep drum sounds of the mridangam! O Daughter of the Mountain with charming locks of hair, who vanquished Mahishasura, may you be ever victorious
10.जय जय जप्य जये जय शब्दपरस्तुति तत्पर विश्वनुते
भण भण भिञ्जिमि भिङ्कृतनूपुर सिञ्जितमोहित भूतपते
नटितनटार्ध नटीनटनायक नाटितनाट्य सुगानरते
जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १० ॥
Devotees hail Durgadevi and chant in chorus for her success. She is the epitome of the word Jaya or victory. All her devotees and supporters enamoured by her divine looks, energy and dance chant her name for her victory. Her jewellery makes a clanging noise as she dances the war dance, her anklets make a beautiful musical sound. Looking at this beautiful dance even Lord Shiva is mesmerised. She dances the cosmic dance like Nataraja with one foot on the ground and the other pointed towards heaven. She is always by the side of her Devotees and her consort. The whole scene is captivating. Victory to you, Victory to you!
11.अयि सुमनःसुमनःसुमनः सुमनःसुमनोहरकान्तियुते
श्रितरजनी रजनीरजनी रजनीरजनी करवक्त्रवृते ।
सुनयनविभ्रमर भ्रमरभ्रमर भ्रमरभ्रमराधिपते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥
Oh goddess who has a flowerlike complexion attractive to the good hearts of the righteous people! O Devi who is the very night and shines like the moon for the lotuses in a Lotus Pond; O Goddess, the movement of whose charming eyes gives the impression of hovering bees, O daughter of the mountain, with charming locks of hair, who vanquished Mahishasura! May you be ever victorious!
12.सहितमहाहव मल्लमतल्लिक मल्लितरल्लक मल्लरते
विरचितवल्लिक पल्लिकमल्लिक झिल्लिकभिल्लिक वर्गवृते ।
शितकृतफुल्ल समुल्लसितारुण तल्लजपल्लव सल्ललिते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १२ ॥
Oh Goddess, who is fond of sport in the form of a mighty battle against groups of mighty warriors, O Devi who is surrounded by hunters who build their huts with forest Twines, O Goddess, whose body is as soft as a beautiful tender red leaf and blossoming jasmine flowers; O daughter of the mountains with charming locks of hair who vanquishes Mahishasura, may you be ever victorious
13.अविरलगण्ड गलन्मदमेदुर मत्तमतङ्ग जराजपते
त्रिभुवनभुषण भूतकलानिधि रूपपयोनिधि राजसुते ।
अयि सुदतीजन लालसमानस मोहन मन्मथराजसुते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १३ ॥
O goddess, whose gait is like that of a well nourished royal intoxicated elephant from whose cheeks the मद ( intoxicant ) oozes and falls in the form of the arts, beauty and power, (as Goddess Mathangi queen of intoxicated elephants,) O Devi who took the form of Goddess Lakshmi the daughter of the ocean of milk, who looks like the moon, the eternal ornament of the three worlds! O goddess, who captivates even Manmatha, the Lord of love, who captivates the minds of beautiful women full of desire, O daughter...
14.कमलदलामल कोमलकान्ति कलाकलितामल भाललते
सकलविलास कलानिलयक्रम केलिचलत्कल हंसकुले ।
अलिकुलसङ्कुल कुवलयमण्डल मौलिमिलद्बकुलालिकुले
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १४ ॥
O Goddess whose forehead is lustrous like a beautiful tender lotus petal, oh Devi who is the repository of all kinds of dance forms as graceful as a swan, O Goddess whose hair is like an array of bees adorned with a garland of beautiful flowers of blue water lily and Bakula flowers, O daughter of the mountains...
15.करमुरलीरव वीजितकूजित लज्जितकोकिल मञ्जुमते
मिलितपुलिन्द मनोहरगुञ्जित रञ्जितशैल निकुञ्जगते ।
निजगणभूत महाशबरीगण सद्गुणसम्भृत केलितले
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १५ ॥
O Goddess who puts to shame even the Koel, with the sweet tunes spreading out from your flute, O Devi who moves among the creepers in the Kailasa mountain humming songs that melt the heart, O goddess who enjoys the dances of the divine damsels and various other sports, O daughter of the mountains
16.कटितटपीत दुकूलविचित्र मयुखतिरस्कृत चन्द्ररुचे
प्रणतसुरासुर मौलिमणिस्फुर दंशुलसन्नख चन्द्ररुचे
जितकनकाचल मौलिमदोर्जित निर्भरकुञ्जर कुम्भकुचे
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १६ ॥
O Goddess who has set aside the brilliance of the moon with the colourful rays emanating from you, (from the yellow silk worn on her wais), O Devi whose toenails shine like the moon because of the rays emanating from the crest jewels of the gods and Demons bowing to you, O Goddess, whose bosom glows like the peak of the Golden Mountain Meru and the crown of an elephant's head ( likely Irawat, the space between eyes and forehead), O daughter of the Mountain.....
17. विजितसहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैकनुते
कृतसुरतारक सङ्गरतारक सङ्गरतारक सूनुसुते ।
सुरथसमाधि समानसमाधि समाधिसमाधि सुजातरते ।
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १७ ॥
O Goddess, who by your splendour even outshines the sun with thousands of rays, O Devi who is praised by the son of TarakaSura after that Asura was killed by your son Lord Subramanya, O Goddess who is prayed to by sages like Suratha, for various levels of Samadhi, O daughter of the Mountain...
18.पदकमलं करुणानिलये वरिवस्यति योऽनुदिनं सुशिवे
अयि कमले कमलानिलये कमलानिलयः स कथं न भवेत् ।
तव पदमेव परम्पदमित्यनुशीलयतो मम किं न शिवे
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १८ ॥
O Goddess, whoever constantly worships your lotus feet, O Devi, you who are the abode of compassion and you, who are Auspiciousness itself; they will certainly be endowed with all prosperity! O Goddess Parvati, I who always meditate on your lotus feet looking upon them as my ultimate refuge, will certainly be taken care of. O Daughter of the Mountain, with charming locks of hair who vanquished Mahishasura, may you be ever victorious!
भजति स किं न शचीकुचकुम्भतटीपरिरम्भसुखानु
तव चरणं शरणं करवाणि नतामरवाणि निवासि शिवम्
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १९ ॥
O Goddess, whoever sprinkles the sacred precincts of your abode with water from a golden pot, will certainly attain the very position of Indira by your grace. O consort of Lord Shiva, I take refuge at your holy feet. Bless me with all prosperity. O Daughter of the Mountain with charming locks of hair who vanquished Mahishasura, may you be ever victorious!
20.तव विमलेन्दुकुलं वदनेन्दुमलं सकलं ननु कूलयते
किमु पुरुहूतपुरीन्दु मुखी सुमुखीभिरसौ विमुखीक्रियते ।
मम तु मतं शिवनामधने भवती कृपया किमुत क्रियते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २० ॥
Who ever repeatedly meditates on your divine face adorned by the crescent moon, will they ever be able to look upon other beautiful faces like those in Indra s abode? O most valued treasure of Shiva, how could you ever not fulfil my wishes? How can we achieve the treasure of Shiva's name without your grace? O Daughter of the Mountain....
21अयि मयि दीन दयालुतया कृपयैव त्वया भवितव्यमुमे
अयि जगतो जननी कृपयासि यथासि तथानुमितासिरते ।
यदुचितमत्र भवत्युररीकुरुतादुरुतापमपाकुरु
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २१ ॥
Oh Goddess Uma, bestow upon me your everlasting compassion as your grace bestows upon your devotees! Your arrows are released to destroy enemies pride! O mother of all the worlds, be as merciful as you always are. I leave the fate of my worries to you and not ask anything of you. Do with me what you think is appropriate. O Daughter of the Mountain, with charming locks of hair, who vanquished Mahishasura! May you be ever victorious!
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