How happy I am…to be back after a short and sweet holiday! I missed you very much, dear blog, because you help me put words into my thoughts and feelings! As I sit down to write, my holiday seems to me, like the pomegranate….. You peel the tough leathery skin and lo and behold, you find about 600 seeds – the sweet, juicy, deep pink edible aril! And as you savor the fruit, the juice runs down your chin, leaving behind a sweet tingling sensation! That is how I felt - everyday of my holidays, which opened up new and exhilarating experiences, and I wished to share each one of those overpowering emotions with you! I looked upon the two commencement ceremonies with pride and joy! Both my daughters graduated this year, one received a Masters Degree in International Development from the School of International Service, American University; the other, a Masters Degree in Law from the ...