Of blogs, bloggers and blogging!
I have been mulling over several inputs for this blog of mine, which will be the last, before I get into my summer vacation mode. Let me begin with something, which happened today. I went to Apollo Hospital for a routine medical check up and my gynecologist greeted me with this question, WHY HAVE YOU LET YOURSELF GO..? No one could have read my mind better! Yes, I have become lazy, my life style lackluster and my thoughts, listless. Why did I do it and how did I do it are simple questions, the difficult question is how could I allow myself to do it? I had drawn up an honest resolution on New Year, 2011, and hoped by bringing about some qualitative changes in my lifestyle, I could enjoy a healthy and happy 2011. I am 53 and whatever the reasons, I can’t let my life pass me by. I realize I am fortunate, I am looking forward to a second innings-I am going back to what I love doing, teaching. I am proud of the fact that both my daughters are graduating this year, in ...